Case Management Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 1 pm – 4:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Social Justice, Food Justice, and Environmental Justice

As a community organization and provider of human services, our work requires we act as advocates in order to ensure the pillars of social justice are achieved within our community. We are always available as a referral source and to advocate for the needs and rights of the clients we serve and the mission we set our to accomplish.


That being said, we are required to follow a set of guidelines when determining cases for financial assistance such as:

A verbal or written referral to Dutchess Outreach from another agency, program, or individual does not automatically qualify a client for financial assistance. An appropriate referral may expedite the application and decision process, or may lead to collaboration between agencies.
  • Our clients often receive referrals which are not cleared or researched by the referring agency. We can take no responsibility for referrals or actions by other agencies or programs.
  • If governmental or special program assistance is available to a client, it must be pursued first.
    A denial letter from DSS or another agency does not entitle an applicant to financial assistance.
  • The application must show a one time, emergency financial need which was not caused by the client’s actions or lack of effort. We will not assist someone who will not help themselves.
  • No financial assistance will be approved if a client has adequate income or funds to address the emergency themselves. We may require copies of pay stubs, receipts, or similar documents in order to make a determination.
  • Clients should be aware that providing false information and/or documentation to a caseworker will result in an immediate termination of any effort to assist the client with their emergency.
  • Caseworkers may share information and documentation provided by the client with concerned individuals and agencies.



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