Located at 106 Little Market St. in the City of Poughkeepsie!
By partnering with other local human services agencies and organizations, as well as our community, our program Acts of Kindness (AoK) is able to provide essential household items to those who may have trouble accessing them on their own.
HOURS: Tuesdays, 10:00AM-2:00PM*
Parking: in front on the one-way Little Market St., or a parking lot in the back if you turn into adjacent Pine St. Please use the Pine St. back door entrance, it has easier access and no stairs.
Masks are still requested. No clients please, just bring their lists of needed items.
Our community is our main source of such donations. If you or someone you know is looking for a place to donate items such as pots, pans, flatware, small appliances or even small furniture items and rugs that are still in great condition, please contact us. call 845-454-3792 ext. 3244 or email [email protected].
*You can contact us to see if appointments outside normal operating hours can be accommodated.
CONTACT INFO: call 845-454-3792 ext. 3244 or email [email protected].